Finding the perfect pair of leggings might seems like an easy thing to do. Search, click and add to cart....
But for our founder Suzi Coronado Veranes, she didn't just want your average pair of tights, she wanted a product that captured a particular type of spirit --- one that she couldn't find anywhere else on the market. 
So what does a Fashion Buyer who also doubles as a professional dancer do?

A: She creates her own womens activewear label and designs it match her own spirit! 
For Suzi, it wasn't just about creating something pretty, she wanted to design a product that ticked all of the boxes from

  • luxury fit; to
  • squat proof function; and
  • unique, on trend design.
And with this hands on approach, PARADOX ACTIVEWEAR became a luxury sportwear brand designed to support and allow women to move freely in their body. 
Suzi exclusively creates the prints in Australia and designs with the intent to not blend in... but to truly stand out. Whether that be in a matching animal print activewear set or patterned leggings, her aim is to make every woman who wears PARADOX ACTIVEWEAR feel confident going against the grain. 
As her life has evolved from Wife to Mother, so too has her desire to make PARADOX ACTIVEWEAR a brand that transcends womens wardrobes. She wants the PARADOX ACTIVEWEAR lover to be her own person regardless of where she comes from or what size she is. And most of all she wants it to be accessible to everyone, with an empowered mindset that can be carried from the gym to dance studio to the office and beyond. 
PARADOX ACTIVEWEAR is a brand born out of love for design, that has evolved into a movement! One that Suzi wants to continue to grow so she can not only empower women around her, but also inspire her daughter too.... a gorgeous little lady who you may have seen going viral in videos such as below